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Quay wall renovation Steendiekkanal

Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Millerntorplatz 1
20359 Hamburg
KramerAlbrecht engineering company
Project volume
approx. € 10.8 million

Das Projekt

The subject of the contract is the renovation of the western quay wall on the Steendiek Canal. The redevelopment area extends from the quay wall section (bastion) at the confluence with the Elbe, which has already been secured by a partial backfill, to the embankment on the south side of the west bank. The total length of the renovation area is approx. 600m. The refurbishment comprises a water-side jacking of a back-anchored sheet pile wall construction with a reinforced concrete beam. The footpath and cycle path to be renovated will once again run along the newly created quay edge.

Wesentliche Leistungen

  • Creation of the original cadastre with a sounding
  • Preparation of the construction site
  • Dismantling of the existing equipment with railings and disposal
  • Removal of the railing on the bastion with storage and reinstallation
  • Dismantling of street furniture with storage and reinstallation
  • Erection of tree protection and securing of information boards in the area of the bastion
  • Partial removal of embankments to clear the pile-driving section
  • Erection of a sheet pile wall in the front area
  • Partial demolition of the existing quay wall
  • Construction of embankment connections
  • Production of the tension piles from the water
  • Construction of the backfill for the new wall between the sheet pile wall and the existing quay wall
  • Construction of the reinforced concrete beam
  • Erection of the new railing
  • Filling the cavities under the existing quay slab
  • Installation of the equipment for the new sheet pile wall
  • Expansion of the existing drains
  • Construction of the new footpath and cycle path and adaptation of the site
  • Removal of the temporary footpath and cycle path
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