Research & Development for the future | DEPENBROCK
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Research & Development at DEPENBROCK

We develop for the future

Exceptional challenges require special solutions. That is why we develop special customised solutions for practical construction problems – solutions that enable us to achieve better results in less time. In doing so, we apply our specialized expertise in an extremely wide range of construction disciplines to enable even more sustainable, economical and efficient construction using newly developed materials and methods. Many of our advanced solutions are now patented.

DEPENBROCK developments

Here's what DEPENBROCK creativity looks like

We have developed and patented many advanced and pioneering special solutions, particularly in civil and hydraulic engineering. These enable us to offer you decisive advantages in terms of sustainability, cost-effectiveness and safety.




With our trailblazing expertise, we are always developing advanced solutions for sustainable and efficient construction. We are so good at this that we have already received several awards from the German Port Technology Association (HTG) Hamburg.


We are creative pioneers in the construction industry and only satisfied when our solutions are as economical and sustainable as possible. This is borne out by our many patents for novel installation methods and the use of innovative materials.


Every other project benefits from our developments. Our portfolio of unique concepts and methods enables us to implement construction projects extremely rapidly.


We coordinate our methods and processes optimally for every construction project. As your strong partner, if we see potential for more advanced solutions, we will gladly develop them specifically for you.


Our large fleet of machinery makes us fast, resourceful and versatile. This means we can always implement the best solution in a wide range of dimensions.

Using special solutions to achieve the goal

Protective structure for the New Elbe Tunnel

The protective structure for the New Elbe Tunnel in Hamburg is one of many examples of how we use special solutions to overcome challenges.

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