Technical building equipment (TGA) | DEPENBROCK
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We get the most out of it for you

Technical building equipment

At DEPENBROCK, we are your reliable partner for all aspects of technical building equipment. We use our expertise to develop tailor-made, advanced solutions for your building technology. Instead of offering standalone planning services, we create comprehensive building services concepts – and offer you everything from planning to construction management, all from a single source. That’s how we maximise the energy efficiency, cost effectiveness and security of your properties to make them fit for the future. This not only saves operating costs, but also sustainably increases the value of your properties at the same time.

What we offer

Our services

To become more sustainable, reduce costs and increase value, it takes customised building technology concepts using innovative solutions.

  • Supply technology (electricity, gas, water)
  • Climate optimisation (heating, cooling, ventilation)
  • Security technology for fire and burglary protection
  • Energy production systems (photovoltaics, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy)
  • Storage concepts (ice, battery and water storage)
  • Holistic concepts in new construction (low-energy and passive buildings)
  • All services in accordance with the Official Scale of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineer (HOAI) in Germany


Comprehensive expertise

We can develop the most sustainable renewable energy concepts possible with all standard technologies: photovoltaics, wind and hydropower, or geothermal energy. Of course, we always comply with the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV) and the German Renewable Energies Heat Act (EEWärmeG).

Customised individual planning

Rather than follow trends blindly or implement trivial plans, we use our expertise in technical building equipment to develop customised concepts for you. That's how we help you derive the maximum benefit from your properties and maximise their sustainability.

Creative expert hand

We advise, plan and implement with regard to supply, climate and security. With our specialized expertise, we always find even more advanced solutions for your specific application.

Optimal tuning

Our goal is to make your building technology function smoothly. Our experts will adjust your technical systems perfectly with measurement, control and regulation technology.

"The services provided by your in-house technical building equipment department were remarkable. Half of the contract value was attributable to this function. Your professional expertise enabled smooth, systematic quality assurance of the work performed on the construction site."

Dr. Silke Huster - Managing Director Rottendorf GmbH
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