Lawyer of Trust | DEPENBROCK
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Lawyer of Trust (ombudsman) for employees*

Satisfied employees are the key to our success

In the event of difficulties or problems where employees do not wish to approach the contact person within the DEPENBROCK Group, from 08/07/2022 they can contact a Lawyer of Trust instead. Examples of topics for which the Lawyer of Trust can act as a contact person include

  • Theft, fraud
  • Discrimination
  • Misconduct
  • Corruption
  • Bullying
  • Sexual harassment
  • Violations of occupational safety guidelines, data protection guidelines, quality assurance guidelines or environmental protection guidelines
  • Disclosure of confidential information
  • German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains with effect from 01/01/2024 (LkSG)

Further information can be found in the rules of procedure



Lawyer of Trust for the DEPENBROCK Group

A Lawyer of Trust is an independent person of confidence to whom employees and third parties can turn if they wish to report irregularities in the company. Dr. Carsten Thiel von Herff is the Attorney of Trust for the DEPENBROCK Group. Mr. Thiel von Herff is an impartial attorney and has extensive experience as a Lawyer of Trust for various well-known companies – including the German Football League, Allianz and Miele.

Process in case of tips

As soon as a tip is received by the Lawyer of Trust, the lawyer checks the plausibility of the tip. If there is a suspicion of a violation of criminal law or a violation of internal rules of conduct – for example, the DEPENBROCK Group’s Code of Conduct – he will forward the information to the DEPENBROCK Group in consultation with the whistleblower, anonymously if necessary. The Lawyer of Trust supports the process, while the DEPENBROCK Group initiates an investigation of the facts submitted. The legal assessment of the facts under investigation and the determination of suitable measures to eliminate and prevent improper business practices are carried out together with the Lawyer of Trust.
No later than upon completion of that process, the whistleblower will be informed of the findings as far as legally possible. In addition, the whistleblower can inquire about the status of the case at any time.

Anonymity and protection of the whistleblower

The anonymity of the whistleblower is guaranteed at all times, to the extent they so desire. For this reason, information can always be forwarded anonymously to the DEPENBROCK Group by the Lawyer of Trust. All further communication will then take place via the Lawyer of Trust, who is subject to the lawyer’s duty of confidentiality.

The protection of the whistleblower is an essential element in the course of processing the concerns. The whistleblower is protected above all by the fact that any act of retaliation directed against him or her will not be tolerated.

The whistleblower’s desire to protect their identity runs counter to the interest of the persons affected by the whistleblowing in the disclosure of the facts. Therefore, deliberate misuse of the opportunity to submit complaints and information will not be tolerated. In the event of deliberate misuse of the whistleblower system, the Lawyer of Trust may, as an exception, disclose the identity of the whistleblower to the company.

Supplemental information

  1. The Lawyer of Trust represents an additional option for submission of tips. His role does not affect the other regulations relative to complaints and tips.
  2. The use of the Lawyer of Trust is free of charge for the whistleblower.

Contact information

Whistleblowers can submit their tips in writing (e-mail, letter, fax) or by telephone or in person to Mr. Thiel von Herff:

Dr. Carsten Thiel von Herff, LL.M.
Loebellstrasse 4
D-33602 Bielefeld, Germany

Phone: 0521 / 55 7 333 0
Fax: 0521 / 55 7 333 44
Mobile: 0151 / 58 2 303 21

Stemwede, 09.03.2024