Bridge building for future-proof connections | DEPENBROCK
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DEPENBROCK builds for the future

Bridge building

We not only create durable, sophisticated bridge structures, but also future-proof interconnections that foster people’s mobility and thus improve their lives. With their highly specialised engineering expertise, our specialist staff develop advanced bridge construction concepts that we implement to the highest quality and hand over to the client on a guaranteed deadline. During the construction phase, we use state-of-the-art technologies and materials to ensure the safety of our buildings and minimise any environmental impact. In so doing, our bridge construction operations create the most durable possible infrastructures.

What we offer

Our services

We provide all-round support for bridge construction projects, ranging from planning and construction to renovation.

  • Pedestrian bridges
  • Road bridges
  • Motorway bridges
  • Pre-stressed concrete bridges over motorways and railroads
  • Rail transportation facilities
  • Bridge renovation



To implement our innovative bridge construction concepts, we always use the latest technologies and materials. In addition, we design our bridge structures to already meet future challenges today.

Individual and versatile

Our expertise in bridge construction covers many different types of bridges. As a result, we can not only provide you with the best possible advice, but also develop advanced solutions and implement them to the highest quality. This is how we strengthen infrastructure in our cities and municipalities.

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