Earthworks for the perfect foundation | DEPENBROCK
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DEPENBROCK builds for the future


Advanced, sustainable building concepts need a perfect foundation to achieve their full potential. At DEPENBROCK, we lay the groundwork for building and construction sites with precision earthworks. Using DEPENBROCK’s modern fleet of machinery, our highly trained specialists establish the ideal basis for construction projects.

What we offer

Our services

We perform a wide range of excavation work to prepare construction sites, while focusing on environmental compatibility, safety and the highest DEPENBROCK quality at all times.

  • Modelling the terrain
  • Creating excavation pits
  • Removing soil (backfilling and filling)
  • Dredging, on land and under water
  • Other earthmoving tasks


Best industry practices

Our employees and the environment are important to us. So with safety and environmental regulations in mind, we strive to be pioneers in this field - not only by following the best practices of the construction industry, but also by leveraging synergies across all the construction divisions of the DEPENBROCK Group.


We use our earthworks expertise in a wide variety of areas - for important preparatory work in road construction, for example. As a result, this specialized earthworks expertise provides valuable synergies and timing benefits for other construction teams.

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