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Tradition with a future

From haulage company to the pinnacle of construction

At DEPENBROCK, we are very proud to be a third and fourth generation family business. Our roots go back to the year 1928. Founded back then as a haulage company with horse and cart, we have never stopped growing – our expertise and our structures are therefore built on a stable foundation and are continuously evolving. This gives both our employees and our customers the security of relying on a competent company that thinks and acts with the long term always in mind.

Today, some 1,400 DEPENBROCK employees at 22 locations in Germany, Poland and Denmark perform outstanding work in planning, construction and service. At DEPENBROCK, we develop, build and manage projects ranging from structural and foundation engineering to civil and hydraulic engineering, technical building equipment, structural design, facility management and PPP – with decades of experience and a view to the future.


Our path to becoming builders of the future

  • 1928
    Foundation of a "haulage company with horse and cart" by Karl Depenbrock
    Foundation of the civil engineering company
  • 1977
    His son Karl-Heinrich joins the company
  • 1987
    Expansion of the construction company to include engineering and industrial construction
  • 1990
    Development of the turnkey construction department (takeover of Beckmann Bau)
    Foundation of Projektbau DEPENBROCK
  • 2000
    Foundation of DEPENBROCK Systembau
    Inauguration of the new administration building of Projektbau DEPENBROCK GmbH & Co. KG in Hannover-Stöcken
    April 2003
    Establishment of the Projektbau DEPENBROCK GmbH & Co KG branch in Hamburg-Harburg
    January 2005
    Jörn Henrik Depenbrock joins the company
    May 2005
    First steps in Poland
    Kathrin Depenbrock joins the company
    Relocation of the head office to the new office building in Stemwede
  • 2010
    Foundation of DEPENBROCK Gebäudemanagement and the competence centre for structural engineering
    January 2012
    Establishment of the DEPENBROCK Bau GmbH & Co KG branch in Hamburg
    April 2012
    Takeover of Heinrich Hecker GmbH & Co KG; Foundation of Campus
    The branches in Bielefeld move into new offices on Stieghorster Strasse
    May 2014
    Establishment of the DEPENBROCK Bau GmbH & Co KG branch at Frankfurt Airport
    October 2014
    Erik Depenbrock joins the company
    Foundation of DEPENBROCK Partnering GmbH & Co. KG
    Acquisition of Wilhelm Becker GmbH & Co. KG and Bilfinger Marine & Offshore Systems
    Acquisition of a precast concrete plant in Poland
  • March 2021
    Foundation of DEPENBROCK Scandinavia ApS in Randers, Denmark
    November 2021
    Takeover of Thieling Bau GmbH & Co. KG from Stadland
    In addition to the construction of Germany's first LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven, construction of the research facility for battery cell production in Münster
    Largest order in the company's history, construction of the Stade LNG terminal for around € 220 million
    September 2023
    Major contracts from Deutsche Bahn in the area of track construction around the Friesen Bridge near Weener.
    October 2023
    Acquisition of HBL Lorenz Service GmbH - Horizontal drilling for water crossings and longitudinal installations.
    April 2024
    Largest contract in civil engineering: Protective conduit routes for offshore wind energy (cable route expansion).