Pferdebachstrasse expansion | DEPENBROCK
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Pferdebachstrasse expansion

City of Witten, Witten municipal drainage and Witten municipal utilities
Civil engineering and asphalt construction
Project volume
€ 10.4 million


The DEPENBROCK specialists from Stemwede and Greven were able to make full use their planning skills in this project. All construction work in the city centre was carried out without impairing traffic flow or access to two hospitals. Moreover, construction operations had to be adapted several times to accommodate new, unforeseeable circumstances.

This included the discovery of previously unknown sewers and pipes and a petrol station underground, as well as a heretofore unknown former railroad station building, necessitating the complete redesign of the “Rheinischer Esel” bicycle and hiking trail area.

For all new areas being created, the team also had to develop a foundation concept in deviation from the contract: this included the creation of a modified soil management system with interim storage area, windrow formation, sampling of the soil windrows and professional disposal in accordance with analytical findings.

The soil management system that was used in Witten is now required by law under Germany’s Substitute Building Materials Ordinance. Accordingly, DEPENBROCK was well ahead of its time.

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