HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai | DEPENBROCK
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HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai

HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai GmbH
General civil engineering | sewer construction | road construction | asphalt construction
Project volume
€ 19.6 million


The special feature of the design of the automatic container block storage system is that the crane rail support beams do not have a deep foundation: rather, they are installed in the gravel bed with an accuracy of three millimetres. Of particular note is the modular construction method with a large number of prefabricated parts, which meticulously determine the construction sequence. Accordingly, the construction site logistics are tightly timed and also coordinated to enable simultaneous installation of the container cranes on the construction site.

HHLA’s current order includes 59,000 m³ of excavation and removal including preparation for reinstallation with accompanying explosive ordnance sounding. New drainage and cable conduit systems are also being installed. For the new container block storage facilities, 12 crane rail tracks including pre-fabricated foundations are being installed. The work also includes the construction of angled retaining walls, foundations, truck transfer facilities, support beams and asphalt paving. Eight refrigerated container platforms made of 300 tons of galvanized steel are also to be built.

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