New construction of two daycare centers in Pulheim | DEPENBROCK
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New construction of two daycare centers, Pulheim

City of Pulheim
Alte Kölner Straße 26
50259 Pulheim
Planning | turnkey construction | interim financing | facility management
architekturstudio pm from service phase 5 of HOAI
Project volume
approx. € 3.9 million


The city of Pulheim has planned two daycare centers and put the implementation planning, turnkey construction and operating services out to tender. The tender was based on a functional tender with a room book on the basis of an approved design. In both facilities, each with four groups, 160 childcare places have been created, 48 of which are for one and two-year-olds.


The daycare centers were constructed as single-storey buildings with accessibility in mind, including outdoor facilities. The facilities are each divided into two usage units. The four group rooms are designed with associated quiet rooms and side rooms, each with an integrated children’s kitchen with pull-out steps. Both buildings have a multi-purpose room, a kitchen, a staff room, a management office and sanitary facilities adapted to kindergarten operations. The Pariser Straße daycare center has an additional children’s restaurant.

Energy and building concept

The buildings were constructed in accordance with EnEV 2009. Heat is supplied by a condensing boiler and a solar heating system. All interior rooms have a ventilation system with heat recovery. The lighting in the public areas is provided by daylight and presence detectors.


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