Raising the dike on the Weser | DEPENBROCK
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Raising the dike on the Weser

Bremen Dyke Association on the left bank of the Weser
Project volume
6.3 million €


Between June 2023 and May 2025, the dyke will be upgraded over a length of 1.7 km. The concept envisages building the new dyke on the existing site. DEPENBROCK Ingenieurwasserbau is constructing two embankment embrasures at the Hatten site to make it easier for residents to pass the dyke outside of storm surges. These are openings in the dike body through which a traffic route leads.

In addition to these central tasks, the contract also includes various ancillary works such as the creation of parking areas, clearing work and other construction activities.

This construction project requires a high degree of flexibility on the part of both DEPENBROCK Tiefbau and the supplier of dredged material. The reason for this is that the material to be installed – the client’s dredged material from maintenance dredging on the Weser and Klei – has too high a water content during high rainfall and can no longer be installed. This means that work on this business has to be stopped and started at short notice in order to make the best possible use of the good weather conditions. This succeeds, the construction time is kept.

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