School Hessisch Oldendorf | DEPENBROCK
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School Hessisch Oldendorf

District of Hameln-Pyrmont
Süntelstrasse 9
31785 Hamelin
Planning | turnkey construction | financing | facility management
architecture studio pm
Project volume
approx. € 7.9 million


The project comprises the planning and turnkey construction of two new buildings with 42 classrooms, a teaching kitchen, workshops and specialist classrooms as well as the central break and event hall “Neue Mitte”. Depenbrock’s services also included refurbishment measures in existing buildings and the demolition of an old building.


The task of creating a joint school location for the Hauptschule and Realschule with the extension was solved with a new central building. This “new center” as a central break hall forms the link between the old building, the renovated part of the building, the new building and the cafeteria.

Energy and building concept

The building was constructed in accordance with EnEV 2009. Heat is supplied via an existing district heating station. The lighting is controlled via push-buttons and presence detectors in public areas.

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