KGS Ernst-Reuter School Pattensen | DEPENBROCK
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KGS Ernst-Reuter School Pattensen

City of Pattensen
Town hall square 1
30982 Pattensen
Planning school and sports hall | turnkey construction | demolition
architecture studio pm
Project volume
approx. € 22 million


The town of Pattensen invited tenders for the planning, demolition, new construction and renovation of a school building and a single-field sports hall in a Europe-wide process. The KGS Ernst-Reuter-Schule was built in the 1960s and is characterized by a massive school building architecture typical of its time. Extensive construction work was required to implement the educational concept and to provide modern accommodation for the pupils.


The architecture is characterized by a comb-shaped structure that is aligned with the south side of the existing school. The two school buildings are connected by a spacious, weather-protected passageway, which also forms the new address of the school site as a portal system. The new building is divided into two U-shaped, three-storey structures, which are connected on the first floor with an eastern main corridor. The staircases to the upper floors as well as the transitions to the existing building and the schoolyard are located along this central access axis.

A total of 36 new classrooms and additional multifunctional and specialist classrooms were built with the new school complex.

The new three-storey school with a gross floor area of approx. 13,000 m² made it possible to increase the number of pupils from approx. 900 to approx. 1,200.

Energy and building concept

Depenbrock’s Technical Building Services department developed a regenerative heat generation system for the single-field sports hall, for which an air-to-water heat pump and a heating buffer tank with a stratified heat exchanger were provided.

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