ALDI store and new residential units | DEPENBROCK
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ALDI store and new residential units

BGB Grundstücksgesellschaft Herten
Turnkey construction
Schenck+ Weiblinger Architects
Project volume
€ 11.8 million


ALDI, Germany’s leading discount retailer, is one of the Depenbrock Group’s long-standing customers. In Hamburg-Stellingen, Projektbau Depenbrock acted as general contractor for the second building complex in Germany to combine a new ALDI store with the construction of new rental apartments.

In the first construction phase, the market was built on the first floor, above which there are 18 apartments. In the second construction phase, an additional 33 apartments were built on the first to fourth floors. Parking facilities and an 800-m² outdoor area with a spacious wooden deck, play equipment and a lawn were created on the ground floor.

Energy and building concept

Each of the two construction phases is equipped with its own combined heat and power plant that feeds the generated electricity back into the Hamburg power grid.

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