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GLS Depot 68

General Logistics Systems Germany
GLS-Germany-Strasse 1-7
36286 Neuenstein, Germany
Planning (from the planning application stage) | turnkey construction
puls + stratmann, Paderborn
Project volume
approx. € 7.3 million


In October 2018, Depenbrock received another order from General Logistics Systems Germany for the turnkey construction of depot 68 in Mannheim.

Turnkey construction of the depot as well as extensive civil engineering measures with sewer, road and asphalt construction. 35,000 m³ of foundry sand was removed and then installed and compacted in layers.


Depenbrock had already obtained planning permission in advance as part of a planning application.

Thanks to the good customer relationship, this type of collaboration is extremely effective: the client, Depenbrock internally, and the commissioned specialist planners work together routinely.

Energy and building concept

From D for drainage and F for fire protection concept to T for thermal insulation certificate, Depenbrock coordinated all the individual planning areas in advance.

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