Kesseböhmer pressing plant
Kesseböhmer Holding KGMindener Str. 208
49152 Bad Essen
Turnkey constructionArchitect
Puls + Stratmann ArchitectsHochbauplanungsgesellschaft mbH,
New press shop with administration unit, Kesseböhmer Bad Essen.
The use of approx. 700 prefabricated reinforced concrete / prestressed concrete elements alone illustrates the dimensions of the construction project, for which a total of approx. 348,000 m³ of enclosed space was created. For the supporting structure, 15 m long, 2.5 m high prefabricated reinforced concrete support beams were also installed to support the prestressed concrete roof trusses and to increase the column spacing in the press shop. The installation of the heaviest 85 t prefabricated girders was carried out using a 400 t mobile crane. The core of the construction project is the watertight press cellar, which was built using a monolithic in-situ concrete construction method – secured against buoyancy in the groundwater with an excavation depth of approx. 7.0 m, a total length of 150 m with removable, 50 cm thick concrete ceilings.
Energy and building concept
During construction, the solid construction method was combined with the external thermal insulation composite system. The foundations were laid entirely on piles.