Bollard dolphin and fender renovation | DEPENBROCK
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Bollard dolphin and fender renovation, Brake

Lower Saxony Ports Brake
Brommystrasse 2
26919 Brake (Lower Weser)
Inros Lackner
Project volume
approx. € 6.7 million


Refurbishment of 14 bollard dolphins whose foundations show cross-sectional weakening due to corrosion, particularly in the water exchange zone.

The following services were performed for this purpose:

After an extensive survey of the existing structure using 3D scans above and below water, the entire implementation planning is drawn up by Depenbrock’s technical office. In Lot 1, the existing bollard dolphins were dismantled so that a new replacement could be built in the same place. The reinforced concrete bollard heads with up to 40 m³/bollard were demolished and the existing foundation piles, fender and ladder planks and equipment were dismantled. For the construction of the deep foundation, 51 steel piles are installed as driven injection piles at different inclinations. The bollard head was made of reinforced concrete and fitted with appropriate equipment such as edge protection and bollards. Finally, the bollard dolphins were fitted with ladder and fender planks. Lot 2 of the contract also includes the restoration of an accidental damage. The functionality of the transshipment facility was limited. Here too, after the necessary dismantling work, steel piles were driven in as foundation elements, a bollard head was constructed in reinforced concrete and a fender pile was installed. Behind the bollard heads, a steel line walkway was upgraded or newly constructed. Most of the work was carried out using floating equipment. The inclined piles, up to 36 m long, were driven from the Kurt pile-driving pontoon using an HS 895 duty cycle crawler crane and swing leader.

Main dimensions

  • Foundation piles: 650 t
  • Fender planks: 175 t
  • Concrete: 450 m³
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