"Jenfelder Au" residential development phase I and II | DEPENBROCK
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"Jenfelder Au" residential development phase I and II

BPD Immobilienentwicklung GmbH, Hamburg
Planning | turnkey construction / extended shell construction
Thüs Farnschläder Architekten
Project volume
€ 20.9 million


As part of the “Jenfelder Au” urban development project, Projektbau Depenbrock acted as general contractor for the turnkey construction of six apartment buildings with 116 residential units and 81 underground parking spaces in Hamburg-Jenfeld, as well as the extended shell construction for a further five apartment buildings with 58 residential units and 59 underground parking spaces


The buildings in the first construction phase are part of a relaxed perimeter block ensemble that surrounds a green, car-free inner courtyard. Various floor plans, including inserted terraced houses, offer a wide range of attractive apartment variants in different sizes. The combination of façade designs is particularly attractive and effectively sets the individual houses apart from one another. For the second construction phase of the ensemble opposite, Projektbau Depenbrock built the shell including facing brickwork and underground garage coating.

The use of HWC toilets is noteworthy here. HWC stands for Hamburg Water Cycle®, the system that is enabling the Jenfelder Au to become a district that practices climate-neutral living and sustainable drainage. One of the first negative pressure black water networks in Hamburg is being created for the removal of toilet wastewater for recycling and energy generation.

To implement this technology, Projektbau Depenbrock supplied the L-shaped, 150-kg base elements as precast concrete parts. To accommodate the pipes and toilets, these base elements were acoustically isolated in accordance with the specifications of the sound insulation report and installed in the bathrooms.

Energy and building concept

The buildings were constructed in accordance with the Hamburg Climate Protection Ordinance. They comply with the current Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV 2014, as of 01/2016) and the requirements of the KfW Efficiency House 55 quality mark.

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