Leverkusen refugee centre | DEPENBROCK
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Leverkusen refugee centre

City of Leverkusen
Implementation planning | turnkey construction | facility management
Grimbacher Nogales Architekten, Düsseldorf
Project volume
€ 17 million


In October 2018, Depenbrock was awarded the contract for the planning and construction of refugee housing in Sandstrasse in Leverkusen as part of a public tender.


The object of the specified service is the planning and turnkey construction of housing for approx. 350 residents, a functional building and the accompanying outdoor facilities.

Energy and building concept

As part of the planning process, Depenbrock developed its own building technology concepts for the generation, distribution and transfer of heating, along with the ventilation, lighting and air conditioning.


Depenbrock is responsible for maintaining the building, the technical installations and the outdoor facilities for the first five and ten years respectively.

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