"Wohnquartier am Schierenberg" residential development

Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. Helmut andProf. Dr.h.c. Hannelore Greve
Osterbekstrasse 90b
22083 Hamburg, Germany
Turnkey constructionArchitect
Folker SchneehageArchitect BDA
Osterbekstrasse 90b
22083 Hamburg, Germany
Project volume
27 million €Project
In Hamburg-Meiendorf, Projektbau Depenbrock completed the “Wohnquartier am Schierenberg” residential development in December 2018. It comprises 153 residential units and around 1,400 m² of commercial space. Depenbrock’s engineers applied a special solution that made the construction process considerably more efficient. While concrete was still being poured in the final section, tenants were already signing the first rental contracts for the completed apartments. At times, some 40 different companies and up to 200 workers were active on the construction site at the same time. Special services included the integration of public utility lines, wastewater and rainwater sewerage, and road construction for a completely new ring road between the buildings during the construction period.
All the uppermost concrete ceilings were produced as an inverted roof in a construction made of waterproof concrete, eliminating the need for elaborate taping of the roof.
To carry out this work, Projektbau Depenbrock supplied the L-shaped, 150-kg base elements as precast concrete parts. To accommodate the pipes and toilets, these were acoustically isolated in accordance with the specifications of the sound insulation report and installed in the bathrooms.
Energy and building concept
The buildings were constructed in accordance with the Hamburg Climate Protection Ordinance. They comply with the current Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV 2014, as of 01/2016) and the requirements of the KfW Efficiency House 55 quality mark.